From : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304432704577347891797605390.html?KEYWORDS=Jim+Yong+Kim
Dear students,
The World Bank has a new president, and as usual, the US nominee win !
Have a look to the Wall Street Journal :
U.S. Nominee Is Elected to Lead World Bank
The World Bank named Jim Yong Kim as its next president, maintaining a seven-decade U.S. lock on the post after the first challenge by candidates from other countries.
Dr. Kim said after his election on Monday that laying the groundwork for job creation would be his top priority, as the institution faces pressure to shift from making loans to supporting broader economic concerns.
"In every single country I've been to, they are really hoping private-sector growth can happen quickly so that jobs can be created," he said, in a telephone interview from Lima, Peru, where he was concluding a "global listening tour."
"I think there's a very strong sense that job creation, especially for youth, is an extremely important issue. We've heard more than once a mention of the Arab Spring and the importance of economic growth that is inclusive and creates jobs."
Read more : http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304432704577347891797605390.html?KEYWORDS=Jim+Yong+Kim
German point of view :
Jim Yong Kim wird neuer Weltbank-Chef
Der US-Mediziner Jim Yong Kim wird neuer Weltbank-Präsident. Das teilte die Organisation am Montag in Washington mit. Der 52-Jährige soll die Nachfolge von Robert Zoellick antreten, der sein Amt im Sommer nach fünf Jahren abgibt
Washington - Kim leitet derzeit die Elite-Universität Dartmouth im Staat New Hampshire. Er ist Mitbegründer der humanitären Einrichtung "Partners in Health", die sich seit 25 Jahren für die medizinische Behandlung von Armen in der Welt einsetzt. Zudem war der Arzt einst Direktor der Aids- und HIV-Abteilung bei der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO. Kim war vor gut drei Wochen überraschend von US-Präsident Barack Obama nominiert worden, obwohl er kein Finanzfachmann ist.
Die folge : http://www.manager-magazin.de/politik/weltwirtschaft/0,2828,827942,00.html
A. Cuvelier, http://www.saintremi.com/