Iraq: 10 years later
A decade on from
the US invasion, the country is still struggling to find its future
The man had approached me in the decaying lobby of
Baghdad’s Palestine Hotel 10 years ago, with a little piece of
paper in his hand, my name scribbled in Arabic. His name was Abbas
al-Sarray, he was an Iraqi Shia, sometime driver, sometime
construction worker. He had 10 children and he was looking for a
job. A few days earlier, across the street in Firdos Square, a new
Iraq had been born, as the towering statue of Saddam Hussein, the
dictator who had turned the country to ruin during more than two
decades of rule, came tumbling down, with help from American troops
who had marched into the capital.
Iraq war: make it impossible to inflict such barbarism again
Iraqi prisoner of war comforts his son at a center for prisoners of
war captured by the US army near Najaf in March 2003. Photograph:
Jean-Marc Bouju/AP
If anyone doubted what kind of Iraq has been
bequeathed by a decade of US-sponsored occupation and war, today's
sectarian bomb attacks around Baghdad against bus queues and
markets should have set them straight. Ten years to the day after
American and British troops launched an unprovoked attack on a false
pretext – and more than a year since the last combat troops were
withdrawn – the conflict they unleashed shows no sign of winding
Read more :
ARD-Reporter im Irak 2003: Wie ich die Schlacht um Bagdad erlebte
Als 2003 Bomben
auf Bagdad fielen, berichtete Christoph Maria
Fröhder aus der Hauptstadt des Irak. Der
ARD-Reporter wurde bei Interviews mit Waffen bedroht, sah US-Soldaten
Zivilisten verprügeln - und erfuhr, wie eine Autogrammkarte von
Franz Beckenbauer Leben retten kann. Erinnerungen an den Krieg.
Donnerstag, 20. März 2003: Nur 90 Minuten nach
Ablauf des amerikanischen Ultimatums fielen die ersten Bomben auf
Bagdad. Der Beginn des Irak-Krieges.
Mein Kameramann Lars und ich waren unterwegs von der
jordanischen Hauptstadt Amman nach Bagdad, links und rechts von uns
nur Rauchwolken und Bombenkrater. Die knapp 600 Kilometer lange
Strecke hieß bei uns Journalisten "Highway des Todes" - es
war der einzige befahrbare Zugang zur Stadt und lag damit im Fokus
der Angreifer.
Weiter lesen :
Irak no ha alcanzado la paz, 10 años después de la guerra
El parque de atracciones Al Zawra se llena los
viernes por la noche de familias en busca de diversión para los
pequeños y distracción para los mayores. Las luces de la noria
cambian de color. Los tiovivos dan vueltas. Los gritos y risas de los
niños han sustituido al tableteo de ametralladora que se había
convertido en la banda sonora de Bagdad. De nuevo, es posible salir a
la calle sin (mucho) miedo. Y los iraquíes no pierden un minuto para
disfrutar esa sensación de recuperada normalidad que transmite la
feria en el barrio de Mansur.
Leer mas :
L'Irak dieci anni dopo: una beffa
L'han pagata gli americani, ma a guadagnarci sono
turchi ed iraniani. I primi incassano, i secondi decidono. Dieci anni
dopo la guerra in Iraq gli americani fanno i conti con gli amari
bilanci di un'avventura rivelatasi - nonostante l'abbattimento di
Saddam Hussein - assai avara di risultati sia per la democrazia, sia
per chi sperava di esportarla.
A. Cuvelier,