Dear students,
We guess it's not evident
to follow the Rio+20 conference during your A-level... Anyway, in two
days, you're a bit on « holiday », don't you... So, let's
have a look to those articles :
Rio+20 has been a success on one front – rejecting a WEO
The front page of O Globo, one of Brazil's
main newspapers, displays a
photograph of the heads of state and government who are assembled
here in Rio on the first of the three-day summit. There are so many
of them – almost 200 – that it's a bit like a school photo.
Judging by the looks on their faces, the assembled
world leaders don't much seem in the mood for fun. O Globo's huge
banner headline says "ONGs REJEITAM DOCUMENTO DA RIO+20".
You don't have to be much of a linguist to work out that even here in
Rio, where one might expect this giant conference to receive a
favourable press, the jury is still out.
A BBC point of view :
Uno will Wende zur grünen Weltwirtschaft
Eindämmung der Armut, Schonung
von Klima und Umwelt - die Uno-Erklärung des Gipfels von Rio sieht
einen Umbau der Weltwirtschaft vor. Naturschutzverbände sprechen von
einer Farce, Umweltminister Altmaier verteidigt den Kompromiss.
Hamburg/Rio de Janeiro - Der Uno-Gipfel
in Rio, an dem über hundert Staats- und Regierungschefs teilnehmen,
will am Freitag eine Deklaration mit dem Titel "Die Zukunft, die
wir wollen" verabschieden. Die rund 50 Seiten starke Deklaration
soll ein klimafreundliches Wirtschaftsmodell auf den Weg bringen.
Zudem soll der Verbrauch von Öl, Kohle und Gas eingedämmt werden.
A. Cuvelier