Pd e Grillo, prove di dialogo
di Fabio Chiusi
Nessuna alleanza politica stabile, ma un
governo 'a progetto'. Per fare poche cose: dal conflitto d'interessi
alla riforma elettorale. Con i voti di centrosinistra e M5S. Per poi
tornare alle urne. E' possibile?
Chaos-Wahl in Italien: Es geht nur mit Berlusconi
Von Fabian
Der Mann, der diese Wahl
gewonnen und verloren hat, lässt am längsten auf sich warten. Erst
am Dienstagabend tritt Pier
Luigi Bersani vor die Presse. Müde sieht er aus, der 61-Jährige,
der fest davon ausging, Ministerpräsident zu werden. Nun sagt er:
"Wir sind Erster geworden, aber wir haben nicht gewonnen."
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Italy takes a step into the unknown
Parties should
unite behind an agenda for political reform
inconclusive general election has plunged the eurozone back into
For weeks, investors had wrongly assumed that the
centre-left coalition led by Pier
Luigi Bersani would be able to form a government, perhaps in
coalition with the centrist group around Mario Monti. But it was the
comedian-cum-activist Beppe
Grillo who had the last laugh. His Five Star Movement won an
extraordinary 25 per cent of the national vote – falling just
short of becoming Italy’s single largest party. While Mr Bersani’s
Democrats took control of the lower house, the Senate has no overall
majority. Markets reacted negatively to this uncertainty. Stocks in
Milan fell sharply and the yields on 10-year government bonds hit a
three-month high.
Read more :
Bersani: 'Puedo ser capitán o grumete, pero yo no abandono la nave'
La austeridad y las
políticas de recorte llevadas a cabo en Italia han marcado las
elecciones y Pier Luigi Bersani, líder de la coalición de
centroizquierda lo sabe. Por ello, ha abordado directamente el tema
en su primera comparecencia tras los comicios
en los que ha obtenido un 29,54% de los votos para el
Congreso de los Diputados, por delante de la alianza de
centro-derecha del ex jefe de gobierno Silvio Berlusconi, con el
29,18%. "La campana que ha sonado en Italia también suena en