lundi 13 février 2012

Don't forget our brothers from Greece


Dear students,

To practice your english and to follow news about crisis in Europe, you may have a look to this interview of G. Soros in Der Spiegel, where you will find his point of view about consequences of Merkel's austerity measures in Europe, and specialy in Greece:

SPIEGEL Interview with George Soros

'Merkel Is Leading Europe in the Wrong Direction'

Global investor George Soros considers the German government's policies in the euro crisis to be disastrous. In a SPIEGEL interview, he warns of a vicious circle triggered by Chancellor Angela Merkel's strict austerity measures and pleads for more money to be pumped into the countries most plagued by the debt crisis.

SPIEGEL: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is praised globally as "Mrs. Europe" and at home she is more popular than ever in polls -- partly thanks to her strong refusal to constantly pledge more German money to the euro rescue effort. Why do you feel her policies are wrong?

Soros: I admire Chancellor Merkel for her leadership qualities, but she is leading Europe in the wrong direction. To solve the euro crisis, I advocate a two-phase policy -- which is first austerity and structural reforms as Germany implemented them in 2005, but then also a stimulus program. If you do not provide more stimulus in Europe, you will push many European countries into a deflationary debt spiral. And that would be extremely dangerous.

Read more:,1518,814920,00.html
Then, you can extend with protests against the austerity measures:,1518,814864,00.html

A. Cuvelier